Automation Today
class: middle center The World of Automation class: middle Our aspiration must be to reform, upgrade and enlarge our education system - and to make it relevant to 21st century realities of the digital economy, genomics, robotics and automation. — Ram Nath Kovind Hello Let us stick to the tradition for now: Expert (Infrastructure Automation), Merck KGaA Co-author of PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook Blogger, tinkerer and cyclist Lazy /theramiyer
Basics of Windows PowerShell
class: center, middle Basics of Windows PowerShell The Console is your friend Familiarising the Console and the ISE The console Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell (x86) The [administrator] window for both The Integrated Scripting Environment (.small-caps[ISE]) Windows PowerShell .small-caps[ISE] Windows PowerShell .small-caps[ISE] (x86) The [administrator] window for both Read more. Remember less, use more logic Verb-Noun format Approved verbs that tell you what exactly is being done Getting commands based on the nouns and the verbs easy Output in columns make more sense Ability to give custom names to columns No juvenile talk in help -Syntax -Examples Find commands easily Use Get-Command to find commands easily Use the -Verb and -Noun parameters as quick filters Wildcards work for command search Get-Command -Noun 'Date' Get-Command -Verb 'Set' Get-Command -Name Get-Date Read more.
Solving Human Problems with Tech
class: middle center Solving Human Problems with Tech class: middle Hi, I’m Ram class: middle Remember C Programming? Application Technology and Infrastructure class: middle Think of an apartment building ??? Think about the “resources”. Introducing: Datacentres Compute Storage Network etc. class: middle DevOps class: middle Infrastrucutre Automation class: middle A few glimpses of my Alpha days (and beyond) Digital Dimorphism .