Tag powershell

Aliases, execution policies and other friendly features

Everything comes with a learning curve. A slew of new commands, syntaxes, semantics and what not. The transition, usually, is not easy. I was taught C++ in school. However, we had to learn C during my Bachelor’s. It was tough, at first. I mixed up syntaxes. A lot. In this post, we talk about: Aliases in PowerShell Execution Policies in PowerShell ShouldProcess and ShouldContinue Aliases in PowerShell Making the transition from CMD difficult would be counter-intuitive, especially when Microsoft wants to encourage the use of PowerShell.

Familiarising the PowerShell windows

Before we proceed with learning PowerShell, we need to know a few things about PowerShell, and how to use it. This post talks about the different PowerShell consoles we have, and which one to use when. The console The Integrated Scripting Environment Visual Studio Code In general, there’s no hard and fast rule that only a certain type of console can be used in a certain situation. It’s a matter of convenience, personal preferences and popular choices.

Command line, anybody?

We’re Windows people. We love the GUI. We don’t use the boring plain window with grey text. All that is so yesterday. We are more comfortable moving the mouse, clicking at places, and touching the keyboard only when we have something to type. We love that experience, be it Aero™ effect, or some other sassy visuals. Command line, again, is so yesterday. Fair? Perhaps. Efficient? The console is your friend.